Our School Day
School Times
- Breakfast club starts at 8.00am. The main gate will not open until 8:00am.
- Our school gates open at 8.40am. Children are encouraged to walk to their classes in order to start their day. Our school gates close at 8:45am.
- School finishes at 3:15pm. All year groups expect EYFS can be picked up from the main playground. EYFS can be picked up through the Nursery Gate entrance.
- Afternoon Nursery finishes at 3:30pm.
- Our school is open for a total of 32.5 hours a week (excluding breakfast and after-school club hours).
Break times
All children will have a morning break of 15 minutes.
Lunch Times
Lunchtime includes time for sitting and eating in the dining hall. There is also time for playing outside.
Lunch will be from 11:45pm – 1:00pm
Years 1, 2 and 3:
Lunch begins at 12:00pm and finishes at 1:00pm
Years 4, 5 and 6:
Lunch begins at 12:30pm and finishes at 1:30pm.