British Values and SMSC
British Values
British Values are embedded in our school core values. These values are regularly discussed in assemblies and used to promote positive behaviour.
Democracy forms an important part of our school life. The election of school council members is based solely on pupil votes, reflecting the British electoral system. Every child has the right to have their opinions and voices heard. Pupils are listened to by adults and are taught to listen carefully and with concern to each other, respecting the rights of every individual.
The importance of the rule of law, whether they govern the class, school or country, is crucial. We have clear rules which are embedded in our daily routines, are clearly understood by all and support every child to be able to learn in a safe environment. We appreciate that rules provide us with responsibilities and they carry consequences. As part of our teaching, children learn about British and international history, how some countries are run and about human rights and responsibilities..
Children are taught to work with others, in pairs or in groups, regardless of whether there are differences in attainment, gender or background. We encourage every child to care about, and have respect for, their learning, each other and our environment. By being socially and emotionally intelligent, understanding about themselves and each other, our children will make the right choices and experience positive relationships now and in the future
We are tolerant to all members of our community regardless of our different faiths and beliefs. Pupils go on carefully planned educational visits and enjoy welcoming religious leaders as visitors to our school. This enables children to understand their place in a culturally diverse community and society.
We believe that spiritual, moral, social and cultural development (SMSC) plays a significant part in children’s ability to learn and achieve.
At Drew, our educational offer provides pupils:
- with opportunities to explore and develop their own values and beliefs;
- spiritual awareness;
- high standards of personal behaviour;
- a positive caring attitude towards other people;
- an understanding of their social and cultural traditions;
- an appreciation of the diversity and richness of other cultures.